Halloween DIY |Sweet, Sweet Pumpkins

It’s that time of year, that’s right it is nearly Halloween! Despite things being a bit different this year, I for one still want to make an effort and am excited to share this cute little pumpkin DIY with you today. These can be used as the cutest little favours for a Halloween dinner; to give trick or treaters who venture to your door or as the sweetest (literally) Halloween gifts. And the best thing about them? Each one only takes a couple of minutes to make, before you know it you will be buried in a pumpkin candy mountain. Excited? Let’s get started!

You will need | Scissors | A Mix of Small Wrapped Sweets | Halloween Coloured Tissue Paper or whatever paper you fancy! | Glue | Sellotape
  • First take the tissue paper, or paper of your choice, that you want to make up the body of your pumpkin and cut out a square with sides 25cm long.
  • Place your some of your sweets in a pile in the middle and wrap your paper around it, twisting the paper at the top to a point.
  • Wrap a piece of tape, or string around your twist to secure it and then cut it off at the top depending on how long you want your stem to be.
  • Now we’ve made the body of the pumpkin it is time to create a beautiful stalk. Cut/rip a small piece of green, or another coloured, tissue paper so it is slightly longer than your remaining twist stalk and will be wide enough to wrap around it.
  • Take your green tissue and cover it in glue, wrap it around your twisted stalk so it covers the tape and then bend it at the top.

And there you have it, your very own little pumpkin full of sweets! Cute right? I think these are so simple, yet effective and I’ve popped mine on the windowsill as decorations for now until the big day is here. What will you fill yours with?

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